ASC ConnectED-Spec: How To

  1. Upload a new Spec by clicking the “NEW SPEC” button

  1. Fill out the info about your spec

  1. Upload your Spec .pdf

    1. Specs must .pdf files

    2. Spec files must be under 15 MB

  1. Your spec will be uploaded

    1. This may take around 5 min to upload

    2. If after 5 minutes it still says loading please refresh your screen

  2. After uploading your spec will display in the middle window

  1. You can look through your spec by scrolling or by tabbing through the pages

    1. You can zoom in or out by holding the crtl+scroll wheel

Clicking the arrow on the side will collapse/expand the ASCConectED Chat

  • ASC ConnectED Ai Chat can be used to look up items in the spec

  • Hitting ctrl+f will open a search window to search the PDF for direct text

  • Highlighting Text will allow you to

    • Search

    • Copy text

    • Highlight text

    • Underline

    • Squiggly

    • Strikeout

    • Create Hyperlinks

  • Click the download button to download your spec with all the edits

  • Clicking the three dots will allow you to rename the uploaded spec file or delete it