ASC ConnectED™-BOM Overview
ASC ConnectED™-BOM Overview
The left pane shows you existing BOMs and allows you to search the list
When a BOM CSV is imported, this top pane shows your original information
When a BOM CSV is imported, this bottom pane shows changes to your information
The far right pane shows the ASC content library
You can search and filter the ASC content
Click on the filter icon to choose from various filtering options
By default, all columns are shown, placing a check mark ensure you only see the information you want to see.
You can also filter search results based on key data. For example, choose "BRAND" from the "Select Key" drop down.
Click the "Value" field.
Type "Gruvlok"
Click "+"
In the example below, we have filtered the search to Brand = Gruvlok and Description = Cap