Assemblies (Spooling)
The Assemblies features will help you to create Revit assemblies, sheets and views for spooling.
Note - These features work on both RFA and Fabrication (ITM) elements.
There are 3 primary feature areas for these tools.
Define Spool - used to create the assemblies
Spool Settings - used to create and manage your spooling templates
Show Spool Panel - used to display the spool palette
Spool Settings
Click "Spool Settings" from the ASC Tools ribbon
"Saved Settings File" shows the list of defined settings.
"<Actions>" shows the options to update a layout, save a new layout and other options.
Under the Views section, you can choose which views to place on the sheet, the view template for each and view settings. Click on view settings
The "View Port Settings" dialog will allow you to choose your title, scale and tag options to use for each view.
Within spool settings, you also have the ability to set your titleblock and load resources into the project.
Define Spool
Enter the Assembly Prefix and Number.
*Tip - If you click the refresh icon, the Assembly Number will be automatically filled out with the next available number.
Click "Define Spool" from the ASC Tools ribbon
Click "Continuous Spooling" if you plan to define multiple assemblies. The number will automatically increment for each spool.
Click "OK"
There are two methods to selecting elements:
Manual selection of each element
Hold down SHIFT while selecting the first and last element in a run, this will automatically selected all of the connected elements in between.
In example below, we are using the Shift select method. Shift select the first element.
Shift select the last element
Click "Finish" when you are done defining the assembly. Repeat the steps as needed if you chose "Continuous Spooling"
Press [[Escape]] when you are done defining all assemblies
Show Spool Panel
Click on "Show Spool Panel" from the ASC Tools ribbon to open the spool palette.
The spool palette will show you which spools have been defined, status and provide you with the ability to disassemble the assembly or delete the view.
To create the spool sheet, place a check mark next to the spool(s) you want to generate.
Click "Generate Spools"
Once you see a green status symbol, you can click on this symbol to open the sheet.
To group your spools, place a check mark next to the spools you want to group, type in a group name and then click "Apply Groups"
If elements within the spool have been modified then the spool status symbol will turn yellow.
Review the spool, place a checkmark next to the spool in the spool panel then click "Approve Changes".